Andreas Oosthoek

Andreas Oosthoek

Andreas Oosthoek

Andreas Oosthoek (Nieuwdorp, 1942) is poet, essayist and journalist and former editor in chief of the Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant. In 2014, his fourth collection of poems, Een zandloper in zee, appeared. In 2012, Oosthoek published a story about Solle in a collection of short stories from Zeeland. He rewrote the story by memory as he had lost the original manuscript. While searching something else he came across the original, longer version, which now, after forty years, will be published for the first time.

As a soldier, Oosthoek was part of the identification team in 1964, which concerned itself with the storage and identification of war victims. This is the subject of Oosthoek’s novella Vuurland, an impressive and sometimes gruesome testimony, which will also be published in 2015. About the pre-war artists’ life in Paris, he wrote ‘De fotokoerier’ and ‘Het koffertje van Moss’, about the abstract artist Marlow Moss, to which a retrospect exhibition is now dedicated in Tate Britain in London. He will soon complete his years of work on the biography of the famous Dutch poet Martinus Nijhoff.