Britta Böhler (Freiburg, 1960) is a Dutch lawyer from German descent. She studied Law, Philosophy and Political Science and handled some of the most controversial court cases from the last decade. Böhler has pleaded on behalf of Abdullah Öcalan, head of the Kurdish freedom movement, Volkert van der Graaf, the assassin of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn and Ayaan Hirsi Ali who fled the Netherlands after the murder of moviemaker Theo van Gogh. She has been a member of the Dutch senate from 2007 to 2011 and in 2012 she was appointed as professor Advocacy at the Amsterdam University. Together with the South African writer Rodney Bolt she is writing a crime novel trilogy.
After an eight-way auction, reaching five figure offers, the German translation rights for The Decision have been sold to Aufbau Verlag, the Berlin based publisher of among others the international bestselling author Hans Fallada. The translation rights have also been sold to the UK, France, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Israel.