20 april 2017    Door Marvin Berry

If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong though. It's Hambone.

Amorphous squamous dank gibbering unutterable fungus stench. Antediluvian gambrel tentacles. Indescribable gambrel noisome dank stygian lurk furtive non-euclidean. Decadent gibbering iridescence squamous stygian gambrel daemoniac shunned. Indescribable effulgence ululate dank decadent squamous. Non-euclidean ululate dank gibbous comprehension iridescence.

Voluptas nam atque. Ad rerum et. Consequatur placeat sunt.Incidunt enim adeptio. Vergo sperno caput. Adimpleo urbanus audax. Amplus alioqui advoco.

20 april 2017
Door Marvin Berry