Born Too Soon, the Story of Milo

Born Too Soon, the Story of Milo

Born Too Soon, the Story of Milo

Jowi Schmitz

In hospital, Jowi Schmitz was told that Milo had a twenty-five percent chance of surviving the birth. While her premature baby was covered with tubes, she started writing – about contradictory feelings, frustrations, hopes, fears and love. And about happiness and bad luck at the same time.

By putting the situation into words, Jowi is able to make Milo 'more real'. And she feels that the more confident she can be with her son, the better the chances of him surviving. She is very frank about the questions and doubts that she and her husband have. And the confrontation with reality is hard. 

Having a child isn't always like a fairytale. What if he weighs less than a pack of sugar? What does a doctor means by 'residual damage'? What do you do when the chances of your child dying, or growing up with serious health problems, are huge and no one is telling you that 'it will all be fine'? When does this child with wires and tubes become YOUR child?

Born Too Soon is both alienating and recognizable. For all parents and everyone who has witnessed a similar situation. Staggering observations go hand in hand with warm, loving scenes. 'I am starting to love Milo,' Jowi writes after eleven days, 'now he HAS to make it.'

‘Like A.F.Th. van der Heijden’s Tonio for parents who have lost their child, Born Too Soon is a book for parents with a prematurely born baby. But this diary will evoke emotions with all parents. It describes the hopes, love and fears you can have for the wellbeing of your children.’ – Tzum

Born Too Soon is a moving and recognizable account, a razor sharp report of fear.’ – de Volkskrant ****

‘Every day Jowi would write a delicate and moving blog on Facebook. Wonder and humor are key words to this novel, balancing the sadness and fears. With graceful and precise simplicity Jowi Schmitz reaches the heart of every reader.’ – De Morgen

‘Despite the emotional rollercoaster of Milo’s first eight months, Jowi Schmitz has written her experiences very accessible.’ – Medisch Contact

‘Poignant and pure.’ – Over het Water Book Store, Amsterdam